In preparation for conducting a classroom observation, all primary and secondary observers are required to complete CSO Calibration Practices.


Requirements for NEW primary observers:

  • Before completing the CSO Calibration Practices, new observers are responsible for attending a live training session and reviewing the observation tool and supporting documents.
  • Primary observers will complete a total of three calibration practices; one practice should be completed approximately one week before the corresponding classroom observation (e.g., CSO Calibration Practice 2 should be completed one week before your second classroom observation).
  • As a reminder, you will need to recruit a secondary observer to conduct one of three classroom observations required for each teacher. If a teacher is participating in observations for Grade 4 and Grade 5, the researcher should have a secondary observer conduct a classroom observation for each grade. Please see ‘Requirements for secondary observers’ for more information on secondary observer requirements.
Requirements for RETURNING primary observers:

  • Before completing the CSO Calibration Practices, returning observers are responsible for reviewing the observation tool and supporting documents.
  • Primary observers will complete a total of three calibration practices; one practice should be completed approximately one week before the corresponding classroom observation (e.g., CSO Calibration Practice 2 should be completed one week before your second classroom observation).
  • As a reminder, you will need to recruit a secondary observer to conduct one of three classroom observations required for each teacher. If a teacher is participating in observations for Grade 4 and Grade 5, the researcher should have a secondary observer conduct a classroom observation for each grade. Please see ‘Requirements for secondary observers’ for more information on secondary observer requirements.
Requirements for secondary observers:

Primary observers are are asked to work with a secondary observer to conduct one of three classroom observations required for each teacher. If a teacher is participating in observations for Grade 4 and Grade 5, the researcher should have a secondary observer conduct a classroom observation for each grade.

Prior to conducting the observation, secondary observers are responsible for completing the following items:

  • Watch the prerecorded training session
  • Review the observation tool and supporting documents
  • Complete the corresponding calibration practice*

* Secondary observers should communicate with the primary observer on which CSO Calibration Practice to complete. For example, if you will be working with the primary observer to conduct their second observation, then you should complete CSO Calibration Practice 2.

The one calibration practice required of the secondary observer should be completed approximately one week before the corresponding classroom observation (e.g., CSO Calibration Practice 2 should be completed one week before the second classroom observation).

The CSO Calibration Practice should be completed approximately one week before the corresponding classroom observation. The following instructions are intended to support primary and secondary observers in completing calibration practices:

1. Download and print a copy of the CSO instrument (above)
2. Select the CSO Calibration Practice that corresponds with your upcoming observation
3. Complete both exercises while documenting your scores on the CSO instrument
4. Locate your Observer ID on your Study ID Dashboard
5. Transfer and submit your scores using the link below

Please submit your calibration practice codes here: XXX

CSO Calibration Practice 1

HINT: Before completing this calibration practice, check out the Quick Guide & FAQ Section to refresh yourself on using the CSO to score classroom observations!

  1. Exercise 1: Lesson Transcript CP1 (.png)
  2. Exercise 2: Lesson Video CP1 (3:04 – 6:41)

Target Student = “Teason” (wearing a green shirt with dark curly hair)

Note: Please assume that the Target Student is part of a “whole class” response when coding OTRs.

CSO Calibration Practice 2

HINT: Before completing this calibration practice, check out the Quick Guide & FAQ Section to refresh yourself on using the CSO to score classroom observations!

  1. Exercise 1: Lesson Transcript CP2 (.png)
  2. Exercise 2: Lesson Video CP2 (0:59 – 4:54)

Target Student = “Jay” (wearing a white sweatshirt with an orange collared shirt)

Note: Please assume that the Target Student is part of a “whole class” response when coding OTRs.

CSO Calibration Practice 3

HINT: Before completing this calibration practice, check out the Quick Guide & FAQ Section to refresh yourself on using the CSO to score classroom observations!

  1. Exercise 1: Lesson Transcript CP3 (.pdf)
  2. Exercise 2: Lesson Video CP3 (5:05 – 7:02 / 25:38 – 27:23)

Target Student = “Ramone” (wearing a red polo shirt with dark braided hair)

Note: Please assume that the Target Student is part of a “whole class” response when coding OTRs.