1. Label the teacher with their ID (e.g., Teacher 01_0101)
  1. Fix punctuation and incorrect words
  1. Rename students (assign them a pseudonym)

Each teacher was asked to have the Target Student say the date at the beginning of the recording. If this was done and a student says the date at the beginning, label them with their Target Student ID, which can be found on the assignment spreadsheet (e.g., Target Student 03). If the teacher says their name, assign them a pseudonym.

Keep a document tab open on the side so you can keep track of which names and labels you are using for which students, unless one has already been created, then use that one (check the Pseudonyms folder in Box). If you created your own, name the document with the teacher ID and then Pseudonyms (e.g., 02_0101 Pseudonyms).

If a non-target student speaks, and the teacher identifies who is speaking, change their name to a pseudonym, and then label them Student A, Student B, etc. Keep track of this on your pseudonyms document as well. If the teacher does not identify which student is speaking, label them as Unidentified Student.

  1. Add student responses that Otter.ai didn’t pick up
  1. Label student responses and activities
Whole Class

Option 1: When the whole group responds (choral response), label as Whole Class

Option 2: If many students are shouting out different responses, label as Whole Class but in the script type (varied responses)

Option 3: If the students are just talking amongst themselves, but not in regards to the lesson, label as Whole Class and in the script add (chatter).

Individual Activity

If the students start working on an individual activity, label as Individual Activity and in the script add (students working independently).

Small Group

When students are working in pairs or small groups or engaging in small group discussions, label as Small Group and type (small group discussions) or (partner discussions).


If you know a student is speaking but you can’t understand what they said, label them as described above and then type a blank line _________________.

Adult Labeling

If there is another teacher/adult in the room, you can give them a pseudonym, label them as Teacher A, Teacher B, etc. If you don’t know their name, label them as Unidentified Adult.


If a teacher plays a video or audio, label as Video or Audio and then a blank line ____________. Don’t worry about transcribing this.

Full Names

Step 1: Make note of the timestamp and the context
Step 2: Go into the Research Assistants folder and click on the Audio Recordings with Full Names spreadsheet
Step 3: Open Online

Step 4: Fill out with the name of the audio recording, the timestamp, and the context