Meet Elizabeth Talbott!

Name: Elizabeth Talbott, Ph.D.
Institution/Organization Affiliation: William & Mary
Additional Research Team Members: Heartley B. Huber, Ph.D.
SERA Research Partner Bio:
Elizabeth Talbott is Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development in the School of Education at William & Mary. She earned her B.S. degree in psychology from Virginia Tech and her M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees in special education from the University of Virginia. She has worked in adult psychiatry at UVA hospital and has taught young people with and without learning and behavioral disabilities in the upper elementary grades. Her research seeks to improve the use of evidence by school and pediatric professionals in assessment, intervention, and public policy for young people with behavioral and mental health disabilities.
What made you interested in partnering with SERA?
I’m excited about the opportunity to work with a diverse team of special education researchers in the inaugural year of the special education research accelerator.